Electricity energy meters for use in the Australian market must be Pattern Approved, this involves a process of assessing and testing the electricity energy meter to comply with metrology conditions per NMI M 6-1.
Electricity energy meters for use in the Australian market must be Pattern Approved, this involves a process of assessing and testing the electricity energy meter to comply with metrology conditions per NMI M 6-1.
SATEC – Solutions And Technology for Energy Control
SATEC’s presence in Australia brings together 40 plus years of experience and knowledge for Energy Management Solutions.
The culmination of local expertise and SATEC’s Global leadership in metering, power quality analysers and software provides a source of knowledge to satisfy customer’s ever changing demands for today’s Energy and Power Quality Applications.
SATEC has added further enhancements and advanced features for power quality monitoring
SATEC introduces the first NMI approved fit for purpose retrofit electrical energy meter with