SATEC Australia’s Engineering Manager, Marcelo Silva had the pleasure of working with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (formally the Office of Environment and Heritage) to produce the Electricity Metering and Monitoring Guide.
The Electricity Metering and Monitoring Guide, which is a collaboration between the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH), Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA) and National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) aims to combine the wealth of expertise and industry knowledge from business, industry and government into one resource.
The guide outlines why metering and monitoring matters and provides steps to implementing these at your own site. NSW businesses can use this guide to assist them in adopting energy efficient initiatives and reducing their energy consumption all whilst enhancing productivity.
An electricity metering and monitoring system can aggregate the data and provide you with information you can act on to cut costs, manage assets and identify efficiencies. Source: Energy Saver Fact sheet
It goes on to explain how metering and monitoring are a major component in good facility management. Managing energy usage and cost, reporting on energy performance and achieving regulatory compliance means your facility operates much more effectively.
Visit the Energy Saver website to download your copy of the guide.